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- Children's Health -


​From a holistic perspective, tummy trouble in a child may be driven by a range of factors, such as poor diet, food sensitivities, or intolerances, particularly to dairy or gluten. Emotional stress, anxiety, and even lack of proper hydration can also contribute to digestive discomfort. Additionally, imbalances in gut flora due to antibiotic use or a diet low in fiber, parasites, fungal overgrowth, gut wall irritation, intestinal permeability, and nutritional depletion can all disrupt the digestive process and cause tummy troubles. Vagal tone is key to a smooth digestive process and three things can throw this out of balance - stress, trauma and infection. Addressing tummy trouble at the causative level is key to the health and development of children, and the sooner the support for gut health is provided, the better for the child's growth and development. 



Sleep is so very important for all, but even more vital for children and adolescents. From a holistic perspective, sleep disruption in can be caused by various factors including poor diet, blood sugar instability, emotional stress, anxiety, or unresolved trauma and nutritional depletion can play a role.  Additionally, environmental factors such as exposure to screens before bed, lack of a consistent bedtime routine, and even sensitivities to certain foods or allergens can contribute to disturbed sleep. A holistic approach looks at these interconnected factors to discover the causative drivers and restore healthy sleep patterns naturally. 


Other issues Naturopathy can help with include: 

  • BEHAVIOURAL ISSUES - anxiety, depression, OCD, 

  • IMMUNE ISSUES - immune depletion, frequent colds, vaccine reactions, auto-immune conditions

  • ALLERGIES - food and envionmental







Tic Disorder, OCD,  Sudden Behavioral Issues, Post Infectious Brain Inflammation = PANS - PANDAS

​According to NIMH, as many as 1 in 200 children in the US may suffer from PANDAS/PANS, which is a post-infectious autoimmune encephalitis caused by Streptococcus.


A child may be diagnosed with PANDAS/PANS when OCD, tic disorder, and/or other symptoms appear (or become worse) following a strep infection, such as strep throat or scarlet fever.


PANDAS is a paediatric disorder which typically appears from age 3 to puberty.


​PANDAS is short for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections. A child may be diagnosed with PANDAS when:


  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), tic disorder, or both suddenly appear following a streptococcal (strep) infection, such as strep throat or scarlet fever.

  • The symptoms of OCD or tic symptoms suddenly become worse following a strep infection.


The symptoms are usually dramatic, happen “overnight and out of the blue,” and can include motor or vocal tics or both and obsessions, compulsions, or both. In addition to these symptoms, children may become moody or irritable, experience anxiety attacks, or show concerns about separating from parents or loved ones.


At the clinic we use a range of resources to help parents help their children recover from inflammatory, and infectious influences to growth through the milestones without the strain, so you and your child can enjoy a calmer, healthier life. PANS and PANDAS can be difficult to navigate, and another infection can tend to bring on another flare in those vulnerable to these conditions, but when you know what you to, it's less daunting and overwhelming.


Our sessions are online, so you don't have to race out the door to the session, and we use a parent-supportive style so you can feel confident that you are in the know on how to move your child forward into a more aligned, healthier expression of their being.



At the clinic we work with parents to create an environment of wellness for the whole family. Symptoms are simply signals that core nutritional or lifestyle needs are not being met, and when we build habits and dietary activitites that build health in the family, all children benefit. Children learn their habits from their parents. The most long lasting benefits come from a whole family approach to wellness, naturally. 


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